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Individual Defense Keys:


  1. Let the angle do the work
  2. Simple is better than complex
  3. The arms and hands react better and faster to unexpected events


  1. Be stopped, be ready
    1. Feet apart (wider than shoulders)
    2. Knees bent
    3. Arms down
  2. Ball-Setter-Ball-Hitter – reading is the premier skill in volleyball
    1. First look at the pass-
      1. is it coming over the net?
      2. can the setter set quick?
    2. Look at the setter – watch for telltale signs – arched back (back set), loading up (outside set), high hands (quick), one hand up (tip)
    3. Look at the ball – is the ball coming over, if not, where do I have to go?
      1. Hitters tend to hit where the set takes them
      2. Tight set – move forward for tip or steep hit
      3. Off net – move back for deeper hit
      4. Set past hitter – cover line
      5. Set inside – watch cross
    4. Watch the hitter – approach angle, shoulders, timing
  3. Bellies, not butts
  • We want sprawls and pancakes, not rolls